Mike Saurbaugh

Faculty Member

IANs Research

FFIEC Notifies Financial Institutions of Continued DDoS Attacks

Posted on: 08 Apr 2014

The US Federal Financial Institution Examination Council’s (FFIEC) recent guidance on distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, provides financial institutions with at least six-steps as part of their responsibility to mitigate…

StreetCred – Criminals Can Run and They Can Hide but Not for Long

Posted on: 27 Mar 2014

“We wanted to make a difference”, said StreetCred co-founder and CEO, Nick Selby. Selby, a long-time figure in the information security industry was sworn in as a Dallas-area police officer…

I Yam What I Yam – Identity-based Security

Posted on: 20 Feb 2014

“I yam what I yam, and that’s all what I yam!” Popeye the Sailor echoed these words decades ago. One can only guess how Popeye would respond to identity and access management…

Security Awareness Solutions at a Glance

Posted on: 06 Feb 2014

Security awareness is a waste of time and employees should be punished for being careless! To each his own philosophy as to whether this mindset is believable and sincere. Granted,…

From the Outside, Looking in(to) Recent Breaches

Posted on: 23 Jan 2014

It’s a toss-up as to whether retailer card breaches or NSA activity is the hotter news story of the day. So far, 2014 has seen its fair share of security…

The Role of Emotion in the Target Breach

Posted on: 01 Jan 2014

“It’s the most emotional tiiiimmme of the yeeeaaar”… The holidays, filled with emotion. There’s so much going on – from travel, to shopping, to family gatherings, and of course the mad…

If You Host It, They Will Come

Posted on: 20 Nov 2013

Would employees show up to a voluntary lunch and learn session on phishing, password tips, and two-step verification? Contrary to the security awareness pessimists’ responses, they will. Of course there…

To ‘Serve Us’ & Protect

Posted on: 05 Nov 2013

If you mention security service to an information security professional more than likely they think of a technical control running on a host. This is true, but there is another…

Investing in Training for a Competitive Edge

Posted on: 22 Oct 2013

“What if we train our employees and they leave?” Managers often contemplate the answer to that question. They fear employees will leave to advance their career after obtaining valuable skills.…

Technical Security Solutions, Meet Security Education

Posted on: 22 Oct 2013

How much of your 2014 budget will be allocated towards technical security solutions and how much will be reserved for security awareness education? Which one is a better use of…