
Owner / Web Master

Wandzilak Web Design

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CYREN – Web Security at the Front Lines of Cyber Defense

Posted on: 14 Apr 2017

Today’s Internet threat space is very dynamic. Globally there are thousands of malevolent actors disseminating hundreds of millions of threats each day.

Companies that are unprepared for these threats can suffer serious repercussions. The National Cyber Security Alliance has reported that roughly 60% of those companies go out of business within six months of a loss of data due to a security breach.

Cylance – Transcending Malware: How to Prevent the Initial Attack

Posted on: 14 Apr 2017

Once cyber attackers gain a foothold in a victim’s network they move quickly to entrench themselves in vulnerable systems throughout the network.

The cost of remediation once an attack proliferates increases exponentially, and it is compounded by the difficulty of knowing whether the attack actually is contained. Preventing that initial compromise is critical.

Marketing Information Security at Tractor Supply

Posted on: 20 Mar 2017

CISO Spotlight Michael Mangold Tractor Supply VP of InformationISE® Southeast Executive Award Finalist To Michael Mangold, the CISO of rural lifestyle retailer Tractor Supply Company, located outside Nashville, Tennessee,…