Steve Hunt

Principal Consultant

Hunt Business Intelligence

Alternative Medicine for Security

Posted on: 25 Nov 2015

Let’s make a correlation between medicine and security. Many people rely on Western medicine for health and wellness. We purchase pharmaceuticals from the major producers, and go to doctors when…

Security Versus Compliance: What’s the Difference?

Posted on: 23 Sep 2014

Security is the pursuit of perfect protection through ongoing tightening of defenses and preemptive activities to cover vulnerabilities.  Risk management, on the other hand, is a discipline that enables organizations…

Why I’m Against Net Neutrality

Posted on: 13 Jun 2014

Net neutrality is an idea referring to a complete lack of discrimination in the traffic on the Internet. In other words, net neutrality would mean that all packets of data…

The Snowden Conversation We Are All Having in One Way or Another…

Posted on: 30 May 2014

Edward Snowden did an important thing: He made an important conversation on security and ethics popular and international. On one hand, he told us something we always knew: Spies spy. That…