David Cass

GSR CISO | President CISOs Connect and Security Current | Senior Partner at Law & Forensics

Consider This When Looking for a New Role

Posted on: 11 Jun 2024

Demand for skilled security professionals remains strong, but it’s being tested by the economic uncertainty that accompanies an election cycle. Economic uncertainty typically spurs companies to cut spending, and many…

Implementing Effective AI and ML Monitoring and Auditing

Posted on: 27 Feb 2024

AI and ML systems need ongoing oversight to ensure their performance remains ethical, optimal and functioning within an anticipated operational threshold. System decisions, algorithms and data sources also need to…

Transparency – An Indispensable Element When Deploying AI and ML

Posted on: 20 Feb 2024

When using artificial intelligence and machine learning models, transparency is of utmost importance. It is essential to have clarity and openness around how these systems operate. Decision-making processes and algorithms…

The Need for Testing and Validation When Modeling AI and ML

Posted on: 13 Feb 2024

The adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning is expected to deepen as organizations seek to increase efficiencies. But compromised models could cause financial losses or reputational damage to an…

Protecting the Integrity of AI/ML Models

Posted on: 06 Feb 2024

One of the most critical components for artificial intelligence and machine learning modeling is testing and validation. Because these models can have such a critical impact on our lives, you…

Time to Take a New Look at Our Cybersecurity Programs

Posted on: 30 Jan 2024

As we kick off a new year, this is a good time to reevaluate how we look at our cybersecurity programs, and key components that need to be considered. *…

Ethical Principles Must Undergird AI

Posted on: 01 Nov 2023

Artificial intelligence needs to be deployed in a way that benefits humanity. That requires looking beyond the short-term model to long-term use and AI’s widescale impact on the broader society.…

Don’t Rush to AI and ML Without a Governance Framework

Posted on: 26 Oct 2023

The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning yields tremendous benefits. But as with any transformational technology that can affect human lives and societal structures, there are attendant governance…

Safety And Soundness In AI And ML: Steps For Effective Governance

Posted on: 30 Jun 2023

Read David Cass’  latest article as an official member of Forbes Technology Council:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/06/28/safety-and-soundness-in-ai-and-ml-steps-for-effective-governance/   As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology continues to evolve at an unprecedented…

Lean Times Demand Creative Approach to Training

Posted on: 01 May 2023

Security is everybody’s job. But how do we get better at training awareness? The conventional rule of thumb is that if you have a phishing click rate under 10%, that’s…