David Cass

GSR CISO | President CISOs Connect and Security Current | Senior Partner at Law & Forensics

Privacy By Design Is Still Imperative

Posted on: 27 Jan 2017

Each year brings more large-scale security and privacy breaches, leaving the general public questioning to what extent companies could be trusted with their sensitive information. Retail, health care, banking, entertainment, governments…

Never Say Never: US & EU Come to Agreement on New Framework

Posted on: 02 Feb 2016

My mom always told me to never say never, so it’s a good thing I didn’t say it in my previous article. Although technically the deadline was January 31, there…

As We Reach the End of the Voyage for Safe Harbor What are US Companies To Do?

Posted on: 01 Feb 2016

The deadline for the U.S. and European Union (EU) to come to an agreement on the future of Safe Harbor, which governs transatlantic data transfers, passed on January 31. Although…

The Importance of Privacy

Posted on: 14 Jan 2015

Security and Privacy are essential in today’s digital economy.  2014 was a year of large-scale security and privacy breaches, leaving everyone asking themselves how much should we trust companies with…