Javier Gonzalez

Managing Partner

Verily IT Consulting

Aligning Expectations with Reality is Crucial to Success – and Avoiding Burnout

Posted on: 31 Aug 2023

Oftentimes there is a big gap between what a person imagines a CISO’s position to be, and what the organization expects it to be. This kind of discrepancy leads to…

As Cyber Insurance Requirements Soar, Smaller Businesses Have Ways to Mitigate

Posted on: 23 Aug 2023

Underwriters are under extreme pressure these days to counter the soaring number of ransomware payouts occurring all over. Whereas companies’ policies have been outdated in terms of protecting customers’ needs,…

Unbelievably, This Needs to be Said: All Organizations Need a Security Plan

Posted on: 25 Jul 2023

It may seem clear-cut that organizations should have a security plan in place, but the reality is that many don’t.  When we talk about protecting an organization, we are typically…

Digital Transformation: It’s Not a Monolithic Process

Posted on: 18 Jul 2023

Digital transformation is a term bandied about a lot, but it means different things to different people.  It’s not a monolithic process. Because digital transformation has become critical for organizations…

Compliance and Risk Management: It’s a Juggling Act

Posted on: 22 Jun 2023

  In today’s complex world, CISOs face increased pressure to provide a winning value proposition to their organizations.  Sometimes that sets up a clash between compliance and risk management.  Risk…

Materiality: It’s Not Always Straightforward

Posted on: 02 Jun 2023

The Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (CIRCIA) requires companies operating in critical infrastructure sectors to report covered cyber incidents within 72 hours of their reasonable belief…

It’s Time to Put a Stop to Uncalled For Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Posted on: 15 May 2023

We are business leaders.  When we talk about supply chain, we are tasked to expand our focus beyond cyber risks to look at things that have a larger impact on…

Building a Budget When So Much is Unknown

Posted on: 30 Apr 2023

When we talk about budgeting, there’s no exact science to quantifying risk or determining the likelihood of the threat materializing. Although there are some elements that we can quantify and…

For a Resilient Organization, Building Employee Loyalty is Key

Posted on: 28 Apr 2023

When survey after survey indicates that employee satisfaction is at an all-time low, then it is clear we as business leaders have a problem. When people feel stifled, uninspired, without …

Quantum Computing Requires Urgent New Approach to Encryption

Posted on: 21 Apr 2023

Chinese researchers claim they have devised a new algorithm that can crack the widely used RSA-2048 encryption key, using a quantum computer that can be built today. Senior security and…